PROBLEM SOLVER Up-cup, Euro BB 68mm to 73mm up cup.


3 in stock

SKU: CR5473 PS UP-CUP Categories: , ,


The Problem Solvers UP-CUP #54 was designed by our PD & D
team as a Shimano compatible non-drive side bottom bracket cup
for Shimano UN54 cartridge square taper spindle bottom brackets.

Product uses:

The UP-CUP #54 can be used to replace or UPgrade the plastic
non-drive side CUP found on Shimano UN54 bottom brackets.
It provides better durability and reliability for discerning square
taper bottom bracket users and retro-grouches. Never worry
about a cracked or broken plastic cup again!

Technical details:

Alloy construction. Installs with standard 20-tooth spline bottom
bracket cup installation tool.